Résumés and CVs

你的履历只有一个目的:让你获得面试机会. And it needs to accomplish this in 30 seconds (less for résumés!).

因此,它应该清晰,简洁,组织良好,易于阅读. 它应该突出你的成就和资格,以一种能迅速抓住潜在雇主注意力的方式.


Although the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, a résumé and a CV are different documents used for different purposes.

A résumé is a one- (or two-) page summary of your skills, experience, and education, usually used to apply for employment in the United States.  简明扼要, 并突出显示与你申请的工作最相关的信息.

简历(CV) 是更长(至少两页),并提供更详细的概述你的教育和学术背景, as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations, and other details. In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive a CV for job applications. In the U.S.在美国,简历主要用于申请学术或研究职位. It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants.

Résumé overview

Basic résumé example


西雅图,华盛顿州| (206)555-5555 | CCC@comzuo.com | LinkedIn.com/

QUALIFICATIONSA 相关技能陈述, highlighting key strenghts related to the job. This is your "movie trailer" that makes an employer read on!

  • Reliable, purposeful, and solutions-oriented team member
  • 具有财务分析、风险分析和小企业会计经验
  • 熟练使用Microsoft Access, Quickbooks和Constant Contact

EDUCATION Highlight degrees, accomplishments and relative coursework


June 20XX

好的赌博软件推荐(Seattle, WA)

  • Minor in Human Development and Family Studies

Study Abroad







好的赌博软件推荐(Seattle, WA)

  • 管理$7,000的资金,以支持文学和视觉艺术出版.
  • Negotiate with local vendors to reduce printing and advertising, reducing costs by 5%#'s and %'s 传达的成就
  • Lead a group of 15 peers in real, active budget management.


Summers 20XX & 20XX

ABC Company Inc. (Seattle, WA)

  • Handled, collected, and inspected over 60 employee timesheets daily.
  • 计算和记录私人,州和联邦认证工资的小时率.
  • Updated employee records and generated daily reports using Dexter & Cheney Software.
  • 整理记录Start with powerful action verbs all equipment usage to improve equipment records.




好的赌博软件推荐(Seattle, WA)

  • 通过电话,电子邮件和柜台解决15-50个日常客户服务问题


Summer 20XX


Formatting basics

  • Limit to one page 最相关的项目放在最上面.
    • Use a smaller font size (11-12) and thinner margins (.5”) to fit content.
  • It’s better to write résumés from scratch than to use a template.
    • Templates can be hard to edit and résumés should be updated frequently. Templates are also hard for Applicant Tracking Systems to read.
  • Utilize bold,大写,和 italics 让它更容易阅读. 
  • Start with a Qualifications 用三到六个要点来强调你能为潜在雇主带来的价值. 
  • Consider splitting your experiences into two sections: Relevant Experience (related to the position to which you’re applying) and 额外的经验 (其他带薪职位、志愿者角色、项目和不直接相关的额外费用).


  • Include experiences of all kinds — paid positions, volunteer roles, 课外项目, and more.
  • 专注于以下几点,向雇主展示你是如何胜任他们正在招聘的职位的:
  1. What did you do? Be specific. Highlight skills that you want to bring to the new role. 
  2. 你是如何运用这些技能的? Be sure to use strong action verbs to paint a clear picture. (参见 Deeper dive section below!) 
  3. What was the result of using these skills or what impact did you make? 如果可以的话,使用具体的数字,并确保自己的努力得到认可! 
  4. 经验要点:


    Helped with 当地图书馆图书义卖的志愿者. 


    招募和培训15人 当地图书馆图书义卖的志愿者. 


    招募和培训15人 当地图书馆图书义卖的志愿者, cutting the average customer queue time by 10%.  





    在活动中做志愿者 作为Haven俱乐部的一员,Haven是一个为LGBTQ+学生提供赞助社区活动的俱乐部. 


    Coordinated four open mic nights that raised $500 for local charities 作为港湾的一员[…] 





    设计与实现 coding and design tools for iPad environment. 


    设计与实现 multiple MVCs for iPad environment using Objective-C. 

Deeper dive: How to build an excellent résumé

Creating a résumé

Learn basics about creating a résumé that gets you an interview.

Watch on YouTube




首先,赌博十大靠谱软件建议每个人都在你的文件中保存一份主汇汇表作为Word文档. Store all your experiences from work, volunteer, and significant coursework here. 把它想象成你厨房里的食品储藏室,里面放着你所有的食材.g.面粉、糖、油等.). 这份文件会很长——你不需要把这份简历分享给任何雇主(甚至不需要打印出来)!).

具体的rsamsum =配方

然后,当你申请一个特定的职位时,把你的履历看成是一个 recipe to get that position. 在简历上,只写职位要求的经验和技能. (延伸一下厨房的比喻, a certain position might want flour and oil but no sugar, 把它去掉.)

突出职位描述中的关键词, paying particular attention to the 需求/资格证书 section. (你不必猜测——这个部分是他们确切地告诉你他们在找什么!) 请看下面的招聘广告示例.

列出他们希望你具备的全部或部分资质. 如果他们要求你在一个领域有3年的工作经验,而你只有1年,这仍然很有价值! Or if they’re asking for a certain type of software expertise, 你知道类似的事情, count that! List any experience you have that’s relevant to the job, and 不要把自己局限于只申请那些你符合所有要求的工作.

Start drafting your resume, beginning with the Qualifications section. Think of this section as your “movie trailer.“你想在10秒或更短的时间内迅速向雇主展示你有他们需要的东西!) so they’ll read on through the rest of your resume. To do this:

  • Write a list of your qualifications that directly connect to the 需求/资格证书 招聘启事的部分.
  • 把这些条件用你自己的话写出来(不要照搬招聘启事上的内容)!), but incorporate the key words you highlighted.
  • 这需要一点时间,但随着经验的积累会变得更容易——这是非常值得的. 请看下面的例子:看看 Requirements section in the sample job posting next to the Qualifications 部分.


  • 在你的要点中,再一次把你强调的关键词包含进去. 这样可以保持简历是雇主的语言,并且易于快速消化. 请看下面的定制简历样本.

Example: job description with tailored résumé


Cities Media - Seattle, WA 98109 (Queen Anne area)

TheCitiesMedia.Com目前正在寻找一个 积极和热情的副编辑Start by highlighting key words in the job posting. 学习雇主说的语言,这样你就可以在你的材料中使用一些! to join our rapidly expanding editorial team. 编辑将在赌博十大靠谱软件在美国西部的发展中发挥重要作用,重点是西雅图和华盛顿.

赌博十大靠谱软件正在寻找一个讲故事的人 热爱华盛顿州 and wants to express it through the creation of 吸引人的,相关的,鼓舞人心的内容.

城市媒体编辑 ambitious and independent thinkers who 了解千禧一代关心什么. 赌博十大靠谱软件的编辑希望《赌博十大靠谱软件》成为其所在社区的最佳信息来源, 它是否在崩溃 new legislation, spotlighting 非凡的本地人物 和善行,或传播的消息 hidden waterfalls that everyone should visit once in their life.



This is an entry-level contracted position (full-time). 该职位位于西雅图, 但副主编必须能够与全国各地的作家和编辑密切合作. Compensation will be commensurate with experience.


TheCitiesMedia.com’s goal is to inform, inspire, and entertain 18 to 39-year-olds about their world. We’re the 澳大利亚顶尖的千禧一代出版商 with 每月1000万独立用户 and we’re expanding to the U.S. this year.


  • Researching, assigning, editing, and occasionally writing articles
  • Responsible for the 本州用户和页面浏览量的增长
  • Hiring, training and leading a team of writers
  • 确保所有信息 properly cited and factually accurate
  • Developing 内容策略确保稳定增长 in your state
  • 分析数据和分析, and seeking to 提高读者参与度和留存率


  • Exceptional 英语口语和书面表达能力
  • 1 year of 专业编辑经验 at a 数字好的赌博软件推荐出版商 and a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism, Communications, or a related field
  • 一种激情的混合 research, data & 分析、本地好的赌博软件推荐和管理
  • An obsession with 紧迫的截止日期和团队头脑风暴
  • The ability to spot 吸引人的,独特的,鼓舞人心的角度 同时忠于 Cities voice


206-888-6653. garciaj@comzuo.com | Seattle, WA. linkedin.com/josepgarcia


  • Excellent written and verbal English communication skills 有不同的受众.
  • 2+ years’ editing experience at 2个数字好的赌博软件推荐出版商,包括管理人员.
  • Extensive experience researching and analyzing publication data to grow readership.
  • Passion for Seattle-区域好的赌博软件推荐和传递 千禧一代引人入胜、鼓舞人心的内容.
  • Strength for meeting tight deadlines,两者都工作得很好 teams and independently.
花点时间将这部分内容与职位描述仔细地结合起来,这样雇主才会继续阅读. Use their key words!"



June 20XX

好的赌博软件推荐, Seattle, WA.

  • Minor in Business Administration | Overall GPA: 3.75.

Study Abroad

February - May 20XX

School for International Training, Dakar, Senegal.

  • 学习塞内加尔艺术和沃洛夫语, 同时与当地寄宿家庭生活并成功建立关系(所有日常活动和课程均为法语).
  • Completed 2-week independent study about life at men’s monastery, 包括30页的报告和演示.


Seattle Weekly, Seattle, WA.

Dec 20XX-present

Digital Intern

  • Collaborate with digital editor to produce monthly digital content 主要周报日历 Seattle news and culture publication (primary audience ages 22-40).
  • Review site analytics with editor weekly, exploring strategies to grow engagement.
  • Brainstorm strategies with digital team of 6 weekly to produce 相关的,鼓舞人心的内容 about Seattle 人生,特别专注 millennials.
  • Edited 在现场独立工作一周 editing 并为6位作者上传文章, 按照SEO标准编写标题, 管理社交媒体(Twitter) & Instagram).
  • Write 3-4 news, arts, and culture articles for SeattleWeekly.每周都要按时完成. 文章的平均访问量为1800 pageviews per week.

猎鹰:好的赌博软件推荐的独立学生报纸, Seattle, WA.



  • Manage team 18位作家的双周刊 digital university newspaper, mentoring them to write engaging, relatable, clear content 对于学生团体,要在截止日期前完成.
  • 检查网站和社交媒体 analytics 每周与员工一起,发展 content 增加的策略 engagement and retention; have increased readership 15% during editorship.
  • 主持每两个月30分钟的播客,讨论当地影响学生的主要问题.

News Editor

20XX年9月- 20XX年6月

  • 管理好的赌博软件推荐人员,每两周为3-5位作者编辑引人入胜的相关文章.


M.E.Ch.在好的赌博软件推荐, Vice President, Seattle, WA.


  • 管理扶轮社的活动,以提高对西班牙及拉丁社区及文化的认识及参与.

Rainier Youth Camp, Teen Boys Counselor, Seattle, WA.

Summers 20XX, 20XX


  • 考虑添加“项目工作”:你是否参加过与团队合作的课程,并在课程结束时提供演示文稿或其他可交付成果, that’s relevant to the position you’re applying for? 给自己起一个合适的头衔.g., Project Manager, Data Analyst, or Lead Designer),并列出你所做的事情. 该组织是SPU. 这可以包括在你的 Relevant Experience section!
  • 考虑添加相关课程:你学过哪些与你申请的职位相关的课程? Consider adding a list at the bottom of your Education section.


  • Shorten your contact information by including your number, email, 和/或LinkedIn的URL都在一行. 用制表符或|行分隔内容.
  • Check your formatting to narrow your margins (1/2 inch). 避免使用“孤儿”和“寡妇”,因为一个单词就会占用一整行文字. Use “+” to indicate “more than,” as in 200+ customers.
  • 省略项目描述 额外的经验 把大部分的注意力放在你的相关经历上
  • If you have a Volunteer Experience section, it may simply list the agencies or groups with which you’re involved, 不要用项目符号描述你的工作. 一长串的机构列表可能会被分成几列,用标签分开,这样六行就变成了三行.