
Dual degree programs: Creative writing and theology

双学位 Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing / Master of Divinity (MFA-CW / MDiv)或 Master of Fine Arts-Creative Writing / Master of Arts in Theology (Theological Integration) (MFA-CW / MA) is ideal for students interested in developing excellence in the craft of writing and in deepening their knowledge and practice of the Christian faith. 

If you pursue either of these dual degree options, you will participate fully in the academy, 修道院, and apostolate components of the MDiv or 神学硕士 (Theological Integration) program and in the mentor/apprenticeship model of the MFA program. 

Graduation from both programs equips you to use your informed faith and writing to communicate about God, 上帝的人, 和上帝的世界. Simultaneous completion of the dual programs allows you to complete 21 fewer credits than you would be required to complete if pursuing the programs separately.

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件 policies related to dual degree programs.


你必须 申请入学 separately for the MFA-CW degree program and 西雅图 Pacific Seminary (either MDiv or 神学硕士-Theological Integration), individually complying with admissions requirements for both programs. 


For admission procedures and deadlines for the MFA in Creative Writing and the 西雅图太平洋神学院 (MDiv or MA in Christian Studies), 访问 研究生招生.
