


The Master of Science in Data Analytics 程序 at 好的赌博软件推荐 provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel as a professional in the data analytics field. It is available for on-campus based learning in the hybrid format or completely in the online format. (The online channel of the 程序 is not available for international students seeking to attend on an F-1 visa.)

The STEM designated MS-DAB 程序 enhances your past academic work and professional experience, preparing you to become more effective in current responsibilities or to open opportunities for new responsibilities. It is intended primarily for career entry and early-career working professionals who recognize the need to develop and expand knowledge and expertise in the field.

西雅图太平洋商学院, 政府, 和经济学致力于为您提供一个应用, 经验, and collaborative learning environment in which business and Christian faith, 道德, 和性格是一体的. The objectives of the 程序 are to develop your abilities to do the following:

  • 提供基于价值观的领导 组织中的数据分析活动.
  • 评估数据分析的效果 赌博十大靠谱软件组织和人员, with the specific aim of providing meaningful and creative work; respecting the dignity of persons; and acting with justice and integrity in relationships.
  • 运用深入的数据分析知识 面对现实问题.
  • 有效沟通,团队合作, 自我评估个人能力、优点和缺点.


MS-DAB程序开发 准备好成为目标驱动的数据分析领导者. 的46-credit 课程分为核心课程和专业课程. 必须获得至少46个学分,其中至少36个是必须的 在香港特别大学完成. 也就是说,你最多可以转学三门课程 credits) from other AACSB accredited institutions with the approval of the SBGE 研究生项目副院长.


The core responsible 领袖ship courses prepare you for acting as a responsible 领袖. 专门的数据分析课程让你准备好收集、准备 and analyze data, to discern insights, and to inform decision-makers in pursuit 提高组织绩效. 

你不能满足这些 courses by undergraduate coursework; transfer credit will be given only for graduate-level courses covering the same body of 从其他AACSB机构获得的知识.


Prerequisite business foundation coursework includes 6 credits — BUS 6150, 6170, 6171. 这 coursework may be satisfied by prior coursework or may 在香港特别大学完成. 占有 的Microsoft 办公室®用户证书 Excel®也是一个先决条件.

在下列情况下, your coursework completed at the undergraduate level prior to admission to the 程序 may fulfill one or more business 基础课程.

If 你在入学后的七年内获得了学士学位 这个项目包含了相同的课程 作为基础课程的知识体系:

  • 课程 in which you earned a minimum grade of “B” may fulfill 基础课程 with 类似的内容. (如果分数低于B,见下文.)
  • A course taken for pass/no credit cannot fulfill a foundation course requirement.
  • To fulfill the BUS 6170 requirement, a course must have been completed with a 最低成绩在“B”以内 三个 参加这个项目的时间.

If you completed a bachelor’s degree more than seven years prior to admission 对于程序, or 如果在本科年级 课程低于“B”但不低于“C+”:

  • 你可以参加这门课的能力考试.
  • Competency tests must be completed within the year following your date of admission to the 程序.
  • If the competency examination is successfully completed, the applicable foundation 课程将被视为完成.
  • If you do not successfully complete the competency exam, you must take the graduate course or complete it via credit by examination for which tuition and 要收取检查费.


一般来说, 你至少得3分.你本科学习的平均成绩是0分,GRE成绩是295分 测试成绩. 以前的工作经验是不需要的. GRE考试成绩则不然 required for applicants who demonstrate strong alignment with the 程序’s 进球和至少有3分的.平均成绩5分或3分.平均成绩0分,5年工作经验.

申请人 必须提交以下材料:

  • 在线申请 50美元的申请 手续费.
  • 当前的简历  
  • 官方成绩单(s) 从学院或大学就读. Include the transcript from the institution that granted your bachelor’s degree with the posted degree appearing on the transcript. Also send official transcripts for all institutions attended following your undergraduate degree, as well as any other schools where you earned credits that may be used to request waivers of business 基础课程.
  • 研究生入学考试成绩. GRE scores above 295 (150 verbal; 145 quantitative) are preferred. 对于GRE, SPU的学校代码是4694. GMAT(研究生管理入学考试)也可以接受, and scores above 500 (25 verbal; 30 quantitative; 4.有分析性写作能力者优先. 对于GMAT, SPU的学校代码是C9FD273. (累积平均分不低于3分的申请人可免除GRE成绩要求.5、累计GPA不低于3分.25岁及三年工作经验,或累积平均分不低于3分.0和5年 post-baccalaureate professional work experience; or, for applicants already possessing an advanced degree from an accredited university.)
  • 个人陈述(3-4页) 回答在线申请中列出的论文问题.
  • 两封专业推荐信 在在线申请中列出(可选).


SPU considers you to be a native English speaker if both your primary and secondary education took place in Australia, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 或美国(波多黎各除外).

If you are a non-native English speaker, you will need to demonstrate English proficiency,无论英语语言学习或学术历史.


  • 一位官员 托福考试 托福考试至少得86分
  • 一位官员 雅思考试 至少6分.5, or
  • 多邻国的官方分数是110分.

否则,托福成绩在68-85分(雅思6分)的优秀申请者.0) may be probationally or conditionally admitted with the requirement to successfully complete SPU approved ESL coursework prior to or at the outset of enrollment and continuing as needed.

如果符合以下条件,您可以免除英语水平测试的要求 you have earned baccalaureate or advanced degrees at 好的赌博软件推荐, 在另一个地区认可的学院或大学在美国.S., 或者在澳大利亚认可的大学学习, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 或新西兰.


In addition to the requirements above, international students must submit:

  • Official financial statement reflecting financial support equivalent to the cost of the first year of graduate study. 完成 国际学生经济状况声明表 (PDF),并寄往表格上所列的地址, along with an original bank statement and copy of your passport (front and back).
  • 为班.S. 成绩单,提供成绩单评估 by 世界教育服务(WES) or 基础 国际服务公司. (FIS). (A course-by-course evaluation is needed to determine if any business foundations have been satisfied.) In addition to the evaluation report, all official transcripts must be submitted in English. 国际申请者 are responsible for all costs associated with translation.


你可以要求有条件地被商学院录取, 政府, 和经济学在这些条件下:

  • 你是一名需要F-1签证的学生 去美国留学.
  • 你毕业于一所经过认证的四年制大学. Your transcript must show completion of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.
  • 你至少得3分.0的绩点 在美国4号.0规模.

如果获得批准,您将收到一份 有条件录取通知书 从SPU. 有条件录取保证你会被考虑录取, if you satisfy all admission requirements at the time of your intended enrollment.

请填写此请求 研究生课程的有条件录取 在SPU商业、政府和经济学院任教.


你的入学申请, 申请费, 个人陈述必须在以下日期前收到. 推荐信, transcripts and 测试成绩s must arrive before an admission decision can be made.

  • 秋天季度: 8月1日 
  • 冬季学期: 11月1日
  • 春季学期: 2月1日
  • 桑玛: 5月1日


国际申请者 who do not need an F1 visa may adhere to the above deadlines. 以下截止日期适用于那些需要F1签证的人.

  • 秋天季度: 6月1日 
  • 冬季学期: 9月1日
  • 春季学期: 12月1日
  • 桑玛: 无法入场




  • 本科学历 (as evidenced by 一位官员 transcript from an accredited institution), and
  • A 3.0最低 累计本科GPA.

资格预审的学生必须申请入学参加额外的课程. 资格预审状态不保证将来的录取.


入学材料请寄至 研究生招生. If you have questions, please contact the SBGE graduate 程序 coordinator: